Money Market

Interest Rates

Date: 26th July 2024

Description Interest Rates (%)
Standing Deposit Facility 12,00
Standing Lending Facility 18,00
MIMO rate 15,00
Prime rate 21,20
Effective MIMO 15,00

(*) The Agreement for the Uniformisation of the Calculation Basis (Indexante) of the Interest Rate in the Banking System, signed on 17 May 2017 revoked the Adhesion Agreement on the use of MAIBOR as the Leading Rate of the Interbank Monetary Market therefore leading to the discontinuity of the publication of this rate.

Standing Facilities



Standing Lending Facility

Standing Deposit Facility

Amount (MZN million) -


Settlement Date - 25/07/2024
Maturity (days) O/N O/N
Interest Rate (%) 18,00 12,00

Interbank Transactions

Unsecured Transactions Between Banks

Maturity (days)

Amount (MZN million)

Weighted Average Interest Rate (%)

Latest Transaction
Overnight(1) 800,00 15,00 22/07/2024
2 – 7 600,00 17,25 12/10/2022
8 – 5 100,00 15,06 19/10/2018
16 – 30 100,00 22,85 23/03/2017
>30 200,00 14,35 15/01/2019

Repo Transactions Between Banks

Maturity (days) Amount (MZN million) Weighted Average Interest Rate (%) Latest Transaction
Overnight(1) 600,00 15,00 04/07/2024
2 – 7 1.644,00 17,30 10/10/2023
8 – 5 50,00 13,25 15/09/2021
16 – 30 50,00 13,25 01/10/2021
>30 680,00 13,00 16/01/2020

     (1) Transactions that start on a given date and mature on the following working day.

Banco de Moçambique Interventions

Treasury Bills

Latest Auction: 17/07/2024 

  Supply Demand Allotted Amount Weighted Average Interest Rate (TMP)
91 days 1.600,00 1.416,00 738,00 15,83%
182 days 1.600,00 1.456,00 1.331,00 16,16%
364 days 1.700,00 1.472,00 1.077,00 16,40%

(Amounts in MZN million)

TMP - Weighted Average Rate


Latest Auction: 17/07/2024 

  Supply Demand Allotted Amount Weighted Average Interest Rate(TMP)
7-day RR (1) 70.500,00 70.315,00 70.315,00 15,00%
1 - Month RR 500,00 500,00 500,00 15,15%

(1) Reverse Repo (RR) auctions take place every week.



Latest Auction: 25/07/2023 

  Supply Demand Allotted Amount Weighted Average Interest Rate(TMP)
1-day RR 15.600,00 14.420,00 14.420,00 17,25%


O/N Operation

Latest Auction: 24/06/2024 

  Supply Demand Allotted Amount Weighted Average Interest Rate(TMP)
1-day RR 25.800,00 25.395,00 25.395,00 15,00%


Money Market Instrument Stocks

Date of last change of stock: 23/07/2024

7-day RR 

28-day RR 

91-day T-Bills

182-day T-Bills 

364-day T-Bills

T-Bills with companies

T-Bills with Non-Monetary Financial Institutions 

T-Bills with private individuals 

70.315,90 500,00 6.481,00 29.562,00 103.925,00 6.158,74 7.268,07 2.329,76


Secondary Market Treasury Bill Transactions

Monthly Average Money Market Interest Rates


Instruments Maturity  April - 2024 May - 2024 June - 2024
Treasury Bills (T-Bills) 91 days 16.96% 16.96% 16.25%
  182 days 17.49% 17.10% 16.48%
  364 days 17.74% 17.72% 17.00%
Reverse Repo 7 days 15.75% 15,57% 15,00%
  28/35 days 16,08% 15,35% 15,15%
  63 days (b) (b) (b)
Unsecured Transactions Between Banks Overnight 15,75% 15,60% 15,00%
Repo Between Banks Overnight 15,75% 15,57% 15,00%


(b) There were no transactions concerning these maturities