Conceptual Framework for Financial Inclusion


Promotion of knowledge, access and effective use of financial products and services, provided by regulated institutions, to the entire Mozambican population, in order to contribute to greater quality of life and social well-being (NFIS, P.22). 


Provide a structured and logical approach to identify policy measures and priority actions, involving all sectors concerned, so as to make significant progress in the construction of a financially inclusive society in Mozambique, as well as the establishment of a follow-up evaluation, and monitoring methodology and a coordination structure between several financial sector stakeholders (NFIS, pág.23).



In 2016, the Government approved the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) 2016 - 2022, in order to engage the financial sector in implementing set actions that shall be adopted to increase financial inclusion, and promote financial consumer education and protection (NFIS, P.27).

Pillars of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy (NFIS) 2016 - 2022

The NFIS 2016 - 2022 essentially comprises 3 basic components or pillars, which describe the concerning financial inclusion process and lay down several actions (NFIS, P.27).

Pillar 1 - Access and Use of Financial Services


Ensure the availability, proximity and effective use of a range of appropriate financial services by businesses and individuals in rural and urban areas (NFIS, P.28).

Pillar 2 - Strengthening the Financial Infrastructure


Strengthen the security and efficiency of the National Payment System, the financial information infrastructure and the execution of guarantees (NFIS, P.28).

Pillar 3 - Consumer Protection and Financial Education


Make sure that financial consumers are informed, empowered, protected, and ensure prompt conflict resolution with providers of financial products and services (NFIS, P.28).