Today (30), the Banco de Moçambique launched the second edition of the school contest in light of the economics education project “Economics for All” aimed at grade 9 and 12 students of 22 select secondary schools nationwide.

The main goal of the contest is to equip this segment with basic knowledge of inflation and the business of the central bank in the domestic economy.

For grade 9 students, the contest's theme was “Why is keeping inflation low important for you and your family?”, while for grade 12 students, the theme was “Why is the Banco de Moçambique important for you and your family?” 

There are three phases to the contest, namely (i) one true or false quiz, where the top 30 will move to the second phase of the contest and visit the headquarters and branches of the Banco de Moçambique on June 12; (ii) essay, poetry and video contest on the topics proposed; (iii) determination of winners and handover of prizes.

Select teachers from each school will also participate in the contest, which is an opportunity to provided them with knowledge of the central bank and inflation, which should support the teaching and learning process.  

In each province, branch directors or their representatives launched the event, at the schools where the contest is set to take place. Overall, the directors addressed the goals and methodology of the contest and the distribution of brochures that will aid students in assimilating the concepts covered.